Η νέα σχολική χρονιά ξεκινά και όλοι οι γονείς τρέχουν να οργανώσουν τα πάντα για να κάνουν τους επόμενους μήνες πιο εύκολους για τα παιδιά τους. Η πανδημία έχει προσθέσει ένα extra βαθμό δυσκολίας αλλά σίγουρα υπήρχαν πράγματα που αποτελούν τον μόνιμο άγχος κάθε νέας επιστροφής στο σχολείο.

Δεν είναι μόνο ο εξοπλισμός που θα χρειαστούν οι μικροί μαθητές στο σχολείο αλλά και η διαμόρφωση ενός χώρου μελέτης στο σπίτι. Κι αυτό είναι κάτι που αγχώνει κυρίως τις μαμάδες. Παρακάτω σου έχουμε μερικές ιδέες για να εμπνευστείς για το γραφείο του παιδιού σου στο σπίτι. Αν το έχεις ήδη οργανώσει μπορείς να “κλέψεις” μικρά μυστικά για να του κάνεις μέσα στη χρονιά μια ανανέωση.

Με έμπνευση από την σχολική αίθουσα.

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Our chalkboard has yet to be hung up, partially because I haven't gotten around to it and partially because the kids enjoy being able to reach top to bottom. This space makes me so happy. I find because I've incorporated the study area within the living room, the kids are naturally more inclined to spend lots of time whether it is reading, looking up facts, or researching even when we aren't technically homeschooling. . . Also note the keyboard in this picture? My parents bought it for me when I was about seven and asked to take piano lessons. We had been in Canada for less than one and a half years and I was oblivious to how hard times had been for us then. This keyboard has been in our family for 24 years now, enjoyed by three different families throughout those years and now has made it's way back to me so my older two kids can have the opportunity to learn on it. . . . #moderndaybrownmomhomeschool #homeschoolspace #studyarea #studyspace #smallspaceorganization #homeorganization #study #kidsstudyarea #moderndaybrownmom #homeschooling #homeschooler #homeschoolmom #homeschoolfamily #homeschoolkids #education #unschooling #mommyblogger #momblog #southasianblogger #tamilblogger

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Γραφείο για δύο.

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Kids Study Corner

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Χρωματιστή γωνιά.

Απλό και ζεστό.

Με χαριτωμένη διακόσμηση.

Για πολύτεχνη οικογένεια με λίγο χώρο.

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Kids homework station is done!! Which hopefully means it will magically become 70 degrees, my children will stop fighting and I won’t have to vacuum crumbs out of my car every day. Okay, that part was a lie- my car is a hot mess for three solid months, and I make no apologies. Only a crazy person would clean up that ish just to have these little crazies get right back in and toss French fries at each other. I mean, that’s just an impractical use of time if you ask me. ? . . More of this study area in stories! ? . . Where do your kids do their homework? And do you think this cute little space will keep mine from whining about it? ? . . #originmagazine #thatsdarling #stellarspaces #theeverygirlathome #fixerupperstyle #bhg #heyhomehey #myhomevibe #bohoismyjam #showmeyourstyled #designsponge #aabhome #flashesofdelight #hgtvmag #iheartthishaven #homesohard #kidsstudyspace #kidshomework #mommyblogger #ikea #chalkboardsigns #modernchairs #backtoschool #backtoschoolbaskets #playroomideas #modernplayroom

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Για θαυμαστές της Marvel.

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"A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate" – Steven Pressfield Hi All, As most of the kids still continue with their home school, here is a simple study corner of my 8 year old boy. He is a big fan of superheroes so I created this simple and cool space for him to develop and cultivate his own superpower – Power of "Imagination" and " Ever Increasing Gratitude Mindset". I encourage him to go beyond his perception and not being afraid to fail – That's just the part of learning to fly. Dream Big. Start Small. Begin Now! #homeschoollife #studyathome #studydesk #studydeskdecor #Interior125 #interior4inspo #interiordecor #kidsstudydesk #kidsstudyspace #myhomestyle #ikeaatmine #sharemystyle

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Με ταξιδιωτική διάθεση.

Βάλε έναν μαυροπίνακα.

Με εκπαιδευτικό χαρακτήρα.

Μινιμαλισμός κι αυτοσυγκέντρωση.

Δώσε έμφαση στην άνετη καρέκλα.

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Pink chair love•• Just sat here bracing my self for the girls getting home with their homework ?they have only been back just over a week and I can't cope!! Seriously though my 6 year old came home with 4 pieces then extra maths and english because she has learning support!!! What the hell!!! Is it some kind of punishment? I don't get it??!!! We got through it and now I'm dreading today's bundle? Anyway I picked up 2 of these pink chairs second hand for only €5 thinking I'll recover them but, I'm actually loving the pink! Just wish leah loved it too…. maybe if I leave it long enough she will forget the idea of recovering it?? #kidsstudyspace #secondhandchair #aldidesk #diychalkboard #interiorlife #tenagerroom #interiorstyling #housetohome #feelingthepink #acornerofmyhome #mypad #oldandnewinteriors #upcycledhome #interiorsonabudget #stylingmyhome #quirkyhome #pinkchair #studyarea

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Φουλ οργάνωση και εξοπλισμός.

Με ουράνια τόξα.

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This space for a Brynn is coming along. Still waiting for some more goodies to be delivered and can’t decide what to do paint wise. The hardest part is the room is an odd shape and has super high ceilings so it’s really messing me up. I’ll probably just leave it white and decorate with color. I just got this pink cart and I’m a huge fan already! We had a smaller one but this one holds so much more! Pinterest has some really creative ways to use it and I’ve spent too much time admiring everyone’s organization skills. Do you have a designated area in your home your are making just for schooling or are you winging it? The main reason I created this space is the last few months of school my kitchen island was a mess and when doing her online work she became very distracted with everything around her. I wanted a space were she has everything organized and no distractions.

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